
Login or Register to make a submission.

Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • I declare that I am the author of the submitted article.
  • The submitted article is original and is not currently being considered for publication elsewhere. If the article is derived from a thesis or dissertation, it is expected to bring substantial progress in relation to what has already been presented, especially in its conclusions.
  • I confirm that I have the ORCID number .
  • I confirm that the submitted text is in * .doc or * .docx format, compatible with Word, and that I am following all the guidelines and norms of publication.
  • I am aware that the keywords must be taken from the journal’s list of keywords.

Author Guidelines

Types of Documents Accepted

The journal História da Historiografia accepts two types of articles: original and review articles. It also accepts evaluations of texts previously published on preprint platforms.

Original, unpublished article

An original article is the report of a study written by the researchers involved in the research. It describes, for example, the methods adopted, the results found, the hypotheses that guided the study, among other information. We receive original articles on topics related to the fields of history of historiography, theory and methodology of history, speculative philosophy of history, historical theories, philosophy of time, and related areas. When submitting, it is essential to indicate whether the article should be evaluated for a thematic dossier or for the free section. Submitted manuscripts must contain between 28,000 and 70,000 characters with spaces, including notes and bibliographical references.

Review article, unpublished

A review article provides a comprehensive summary of the state of the art on a given topic, identifies gaps in current research, and suggests trends. We welcome original literature review articles on topics related to the fields of history of historiography, theory and methodology of history, speculative philosophy of history, historical theories, philosophy of time, and related areas. When submitting, it is essential to indicate whether the article should be evaluated for a thematic dossier or for the free section. Submitted manuscripts must contain between 28,000 and 70,000 characters with spaces, including notes and bibliographical references.

Please indicate which submission and publication languages ​​you accept. 


This is a pre-publication, an article available on a digital platform, which has not yet been peer-reviewed or published. The journal does not make preprints available, but accepts their submission. They will be sent for evaluation before publication. This evaluation may be open or partially open, as decided by the author and reviewers.

Accepted preprint servers:

SciELO Preprints




Authors' Contribution

Only those who have contributed substantially to the conception, planning, data analysis, writing of the article and who are responsible for the information contained in its final version should be included as authors. All conditions must be met for authorship attribution.

Whenever an article has more than one author, it will be necessary to specify the contribution of each of them using the Contributor Roles Taxonomy (CRediT) standard.

In addition, authors cannot have more than one article under review in the journal, and they must respect the minimum interval of two years between the publication of an article and the submission of another for review.

It is not permitted, under any circumstances, to change the authorship of an article after its approval for publication.

Manuscript Preparation 

We accept original articles and review articles. The texts must be in line with the journal's focus and scope (see Focus and Scope).

Article Submission Format

  • Title;
  • English title;
  • Abstract;
  • Keywords in Portuguese and English;
  • Authors' names (when compound surnames create clear identification [capital letters, bold and/or hyphen]) (The metadata, including the title, abstract and keywords, must be available in English when the text is in a language other than English);
  • Authors with full affiliation;
  • Authors' ORCID;
  • Contact author's email;
  • Information on article funding;
  • DOI registration;
  • Language of articles;
  • Length of manuscripts (consider spacing);
  • Statement stating that the research was approved by an institutional ethics committee.

Conditions for submission

História da Historiografia publishes original articles and review articles. It accepts submissions in Portuguese, English and Spanish.

As part of the submission process, authors are required to verify that their submission complies with all of the items listed below. Submissions that do not comply with the rules will be returned to the authors.

  • I declare that the submitted article is my own;
  • I certify that the submitted article is original and is not being evaluated by another journal;
  • I inform you whether the submitted article is / is not a preprint;
  • If the article is derived from material contained in a thesis or dissertation, I confirm that it presents substantial progress, especially in the conclusion section;
  • I confirm that the submitted text is in .doc or .docx format, compatible with Word, and that I am following all of the guidelines in the Guidelines for authors.
  • I confirm that I have an ORCID number;
  • I am aware that keywords should be removed from the journal's keyword list, and I may suggest that editors include new keywords.

To submit an article to História da Historiografia: International Journal of Theory and History of Historiography, it is necessary to be registered on the journal's website and to log in to the system. There is no requirement for a minimum degree for the author to submit articles.

Submission information

At the time of submission, it is mandatory to send three items:

  1. a version of the article without any identification;
  2. a version of the article in the submission template, containing the authorship data;
  3. the Open Science Compliance Statement filled out and signed.

The manuscript evaluation process takes, on average, 3 to 4 months and can only be started when the three required documents are attached.

Manuscript submission guidelines

  1. The article must contain between 28,000 and 70,000 characters with spaces, including notes and bibliographical references. It must include an abstract (700 to 1,050 characters with spaces) and three keywords, both followed by translations into English. The maximum number of characters does not include the author's data requested in the submission template.
  2. The keywords must be taken from the keyword database prepared by the journal's editors, and it is possible to suggest the inclusion of new words to the editors.
  3. The journal publishes contributions in Portuguese, Spanish and English.
  4. Contributions must be sent in Times New Roman, size 12, 1.5 spacing and with 3 cm margins. Quotations longer than three lines must be indented from the left margin (1.5 cm), without quotation marks, in size 11 and single spacing. 5. The contribution must be original and unpublished, not under review by another publication and not have any indication of authorship. The author must exclude all information from the file that could identify them as such.
  5. The research funding must be indicated in detail in the article information field in the journal's standard template.
  6. It is recommended that the author divide the article into sections, which must consist of explanatory titles, in bold and with capital letters only at the beginning (or, if present, a proper noun). Under no circumstances will the division of sections by numbers be accepted.
  7. The articles will undergo a pre-selection, which will assess their relevance to the journal's theme. Once approved in the pre-selection, they will be forwarded to the executive editor in charge, who will forward them to the reviewers. All texts must be submitted after spelling and grammar review.
  8. Footnotes must be strictly explanatory in nature, with a maximum length of 260 characters with spaces each and limited to a maximum of 12 notes per article. If a greater number of notes is essential for understanding the article's argument, the author must contact the secretariat that will evaluate the request. When a quote is translated, the original text must not be inserted as a note. 13. References should be included in the body of the text in the following format: (Abreu, 2005, p. 36). If you have any questions, please consult ABNT NBR 10520 (2023).
  9. References to classical texts should also be included in the body of the text, indicating the author's name, the first word of the title of the work (in italics) and the section and/or lines cited, as in the following examples: Aristotle, Poetics VII; Thucydides, History IV, 49. The complete reference to the cited work should appear at the end of the text, in the references.
  10. Only material cited in the text should be listed in the references. Authors should not use acronyms to identify works, as this procedure compromises the automated process of identifying references. All submissions must follow the ABNT NBR 10520: 2023 standards. We provide examples of the main types of documents, and the reference data must be added to them in the case of electronic publication.
  11. There is no minimum or maximum limit for tables, charts, diagrams, photographs, graphs and illustrations. All figures must be numbered, have a title, with only the initials of the title in capital letters, and an indication of authorship, in accordance with the ABNT NBR 10520: 2023 standards. Figures in the text must be mentioned in parentheses (e.g. (Figure 1)). There is no specific guideline for image size, and they must be the size necessary to develop the argument presented throughout the article. We also request that the material be sent, preferably, in PNG format, to ensure the quality of the image resolution.

Digital Assets

There is no minimum or maximum limit for tables, charts, diagrams, photographs, graphs and illustrations. All figures must be numbered, have a title, with only the initial letter in capital letters, and an indication of authorship, in accordance with the standards of ABNT NBR 10520: 2023.

Figures in the text must be mentioned in parentheses (e.g. (Figure 1)). There is no specific guideline for image size, but they must be the size necessary to develop the argument presented throughout the article. We also request that the material be sent, preferably, in PNG format, to ensure the quality of the image resolution.

Citations and References

Notes on the presentation of references:

  1. The In, used in the presentation of book chapters, is in italics;
  2. Whenever you use a reference consulted online, you should insert the URL in the ‘Available at:’ and ‘Accessed at:’ sections.
  3. The URL of material available online should be shortened. We recommend the shortener
  4. ABNT NBR 10520:2023 no longer uses “______.” Therefore, the author’s name should be repeated.
  5. Quotation marks (single or double) should not be used in the titles of books, chapters or articles unless the title actually has this symbol.
  6. If the type of document you wish to cite is not listed above, please consult ABNT NBR 10520:2023. If you still have questions, please contact the journal’s secretariat at

About the references (examples)

Authored book

Structure: LAST NAME, First name. Title of the work in bold: subtitle not in bold. Translation by Name of the translator. City: Publisher, Year.

Example: KOSELLECK, Reinhart. Future past: contribution to the semantics of historical times. Translated by Wilma Patrícia Maas; Carlos Almeida Pereira. Rio de Janeiro: Contraponto; Editora PUC-Rio, 2006.


Structure: LAST NAME, First name. Title of the work in bold: subtitle not in bold. City: Publisher, Year. E-book. Available at: Website URL. Accessed on: Day month (abbreviated) year.

Example: BAVARESCO, Agemir; BARBOSA, Evandro; ETCHEVERRY, Katia Martin (org.). Philosophy projects. Porto Alegre: EDIPUCRS, 2011. E-book. Available at: Accessed on: August 21, 2011.

Book chapter

Structure: LAST NAME, First name (org.). Chapter title. In: LAST NAME, First name. Title of the work in bold: subtitle without bold. City: Publisher, Year. p. pp-pp.

Example: RICOEUR, Paul. Documentary Phase: Archived Memory. In: RICOEUR, Paul. Memory, history, forgetting. Translated by Alain François. Campinas: Editora da Unicamp, 2007. p. 155–192.


Structure: LAST NAME, First name (org.). Title of the work in bold: subtitle without bold. City: Publisher, Year.

Example: CARDOSO, Ciro Flamarion; MALERBA, Jurandir (org.). Representations: contributions to a transdisciplinary debate. Campinas: Papirus, 2000.

Article in a journal

Structure: LAST NAME, First name. Title of the article. Name of the journal: subtitle without bold, City, v. X, n. Y, p. pp-pp, abbreviated months (if any), Year.

Example: RIGOLOT, François. The Renaissance Crisis of Exemplarity. Journal of the History of Ideas, Philadelphia, v. 59, n. 4, p. 557-563, 1998.

Text available on the internet

Structure: LAST NAME, First name. Title of the text. Name of the website, day, month (abbreviated), Year. Available at: Website URL. Accessed on: Day month (abbreviated) year.

Example: BENTIVOGLIO, Julio. We need to talk about the History curriculum. Café História, May 15, 2017. Available at: Accessed on: April 18, 2018.

Full text published in event proceedings

Structure: LAST NAME, First name. Title of the paper. In: NAME OF THE EVENT (IN CAPITAL LETTERS), event number, year, city. Proceedings[...]. City: Publisher, year, p. pp-pp.

Example: ARAÚJO, Rodrigo Cardoso Soares de. The controversial Corsair, a pasquim of the Imperial Court (1880-1883). In: SEMINAR DIMENSIONS OF POLITICS IN HISTORY: STATE, NATION, EMPIRE, I, 2007, Juiz de Fora. Proceedings[...]. Juiz de Fora: Clio Edições, 2007, p. 500-501.

Dissertation or thesis

Structure: LAST NAME, First name. Thesis title in bold: subtitle not in bold. Year. Thesis/Dissertation (Degree in the Program Area) - Name of the Program, University, City, Year.

Example: RIBEIRO, Tatiana O. The Herodotian apodexis: a way of telling the past. 2009. Thesis (Doctorate in Classical Literature) - Graduate Program in Classical Literature, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, 2009.

Newspaper article

Structure: LAST NAME, First name. Article title. Name of the Newspaper, City, day, month (abbreviated) Year. Section p. pp-pp.

Example: GLEISER, Marcelo. Newton, Einstein and God. Folha de S.Paulo, São Paulo, June 13, 2009. 2010. Illustrated, p. A23.

Document deposited in archive

Example with authorship: ARANHA, Luís de Freitas Vale. Letter to José Pinto. Pedro Ernesto Batista Archive, Correspondence series; PEB c 1935.01.15 (Research and Documentation Center for Contemporary Brazilian History, Rio de Janeiro). January 15, 1935.

Example without authorship: TERM of obligation made by Manuel Francisco Villar and Antonio Freire de Ocanha. Codex 296, f.108 (Overseas Historical Archive, Lisbon). March 2, 1696.

Whenever possible, provide all the data for locating the document in the archive, such as title of the fund or collection, series, subseries, notation (code of the set), custody institution, location (in parentheses), date of document.

In the case of references to sets or items in the possession of an individual, the following is recorded: Personal collection of.



HH publishes multilingual articles (Portuguese, English and Spanish), that is, it publishes the same article simultaneously in more than one language. In order to guarantee the quality of the versions, we provide, upon request, suggestions for translators and proofreaders with proven technical ability. However, if you have a professional you trust to perform the translation, please contact the journal to request that they consider including you in the list of qualified professionals. All costs arising from the service are the responsibility of the authors, except when there is an invitation from the editors for multilingual publication.

Research article

An original article is a report from a study authored by the researchers involved in the research. Among other items, an article describes the methods adopted, the results found and the guiding hypothesis behind the study. We welcome original and unpublished articles on topics related to the fields of the history of historiography, theory and methodology of history, speculative philosophy of history, historical theories and philosophy of time, in addition toother such related areas. Upon submission, it is of the utmost importance to indicate whether the article is to be assessed for a themed dossier or for the open section. Manuscripts submitted shall range between 28,000 to 70,000 characters with spacing, including footnotes and bibliographical references.

Review article

A review article provides a comprehensive summary on actual state of a specific subject, identifying current research gaps and suggesting trends. We welcome original and unpublished review articles on topics related to the history of historiography, theory and methodology of history, speculative philosophy of history, historical theories and philosophy of time, in addition to other such related areas. Upon submission, it is of the utmost importance to indicate whether the article is to be assessed for a themed dossier or for the open section. Manuscripts submitted shall range from 28,000 to 70,000 characters with spacing, including footnotes and bibliographical references.

Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses provided to this journal will be used exclusively for services provided by this publication and will not be made available for any other purpose or to third parties.