Eliminating white spots
a disassembly of Curt Nimuendajú's indigenist cartography
Cartography, Ethnography, RhetoricAbstract
This article reflects on the construction of Curt Nimuendajú's “Ethno-historical map”, an exhaustive work that sought to map the native groups of South America. This map was one of the most widely-used representations by researchers since its creation in 1944. The theoretical framework adopted in this paper stresses maps as rhetorical constructs that should be read as texts. The article also discusses the limits and possibilities of a visual vocabulary to understand explicit and implicit theoretical and methodological decisions in cartography. Digital cartography will be employed to bring out the differences between what the author of the project intended and what was presented in the "Ethno-historical map". The text starts with a description of the work and its most evident options, showing a relative selectivity in Nimuendajú's choices. In the last part, technical procedures will be abandoned to interpret the results considering the new critical cartography and ethnogeography positions.
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