Bernard Stiegler’s pharmacy
think memory and open history so that life is worth living
Memory, Technique, AnthropoceneAbstract
This article aims to evidence a philosophy of history based on Bernard Stiegler’s (1952-2020)
thought. The French author did not explicitly state this, but in his work he insisted on the idea
that the history of humanity is a technical history of memory. Seeking coherence with what
is proposed here, this text is oriented from the perspective of the philosophy of technique,
to which both Stiegler and the groups Ars Industrialis and Internation Collective, in which he
worked, have contributed extensively, and whose approaches have recently been synthesized
in the work Bifurquer (2020). Thus, this paper is also an invitation to think about memory
with and from the technique, in order to find answers to the problems of today’s world. In
summary, to conceive history as a pharmacology and a therapeutics, which, far from proposing
a teleology, contributes to a re-politicization of memory.
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