Myths of origin in European historiography

Why do some succeed and others fail?


  • Daniel Esparza Palacky University and Universidad de Malaga



Spanish identity, Czech identity, Myths


Myths of origin form the basis of an identity. This paper, in historical perspective, provides a broad vision of the dynamics of how the framework of a collective identity is constructed, through myths of origin, a topic still under-explored and underdeveloped in studies on identity constructions. This paper explains why some myths of origin are successful and become integrated into societies, and why others remain in the limited field of the scholars and become extinct. The essential characteristics of three European myths are studied: one Czech (Praotec Čech), and two Spanish (Hispalo and Tubal), through historiographical sources from the Middle Ages to the 19th century.


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How to Cite

ESPARZA, D. Myths of origin in European historiography: Why do some succeed and others fail?. História da Historiografia: International Journal of Theory and History of Historiography, Ouro Preto, v. 17, p. 1–32, 2024. DOI: 10.15848/hh.v17.2233. Disponível em: Acesso em: 4 jan. 2025.



Research article