A reflective triad
absence, presence, and disappearance as historiographical approaches
Absence, Presence, DisappearanceAbstract
The theoretical and ethical reflection on the concepts of presence, disappearance, and absence opens a profound questioning of the metaphysical status of the past and the mechanisms of production of meaning(s) about it. Where is the past territorialized? Is it absent, present, or disappeared? Can we find it with our analytical and conceptual devices? How does our conception of the past change when we give the word to those who have never had it? What do we recover when we make present recurrent historical absences? How does using new concepts that make silence visible enable us to reinterpret the past? The articles in this issue bring together literary, historiographical, and philosophical perspectives that problematize the idea of a stable and closed past. From the interplay between the concepts of presence, absence, and disappearance, ethical and epistemological reflections on forced disappearance, the materialities of the past, the traces of absences, and the political responsibility of historians in the face of violence and exclusion are raised.
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